One of my favorite lines from 
Garrison Keillor

"That's the news 
from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, 
all the men are good-looking, 
and all the children are above average. "

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For the love of the written word 
in poetry and the Bible ~
"And I am sure that He who begins a 
good work in you will complete it."
Philippians 1:6

"If you only knock long enough and 
loud enough at the gate, you are sure 
to wake up somebody."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"As we grow old, the beauty 
steals inward."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Beauty is not caused.  It is."
Emily Dickinson

"And be kind to one another, 
tenderhearted, forgiving one another."
Ephesians 4:32

"Success is counted sweetest 
by those who never succeed."
Emily Dickinson

"For his heart was in his work, 
and the heart giveth grace 
unto every art."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

'"Hard work spotlights the character 
of people; some turn up their sleeves, 
some turn up thier nose, 
and some dont turn up at all."
Sam Ewing

"Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound."  Goethe

"I expect to pass through life but once.  
If therefore,there be any kindness I
can show, or any good thing I can 
do to any fellow being, let me 
do it now, and not defer or 
neglect it, as I shall not 
pass this way again." 

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The Roses of Today

"One of the most tragic things I know about 
human nature 
is that all of us tend to 
put off living.  

We are all dreaming of 
some magical rose garden 
over the horizon ~ instead 
of enjoying the roses that 
are blooming outside 
our windows today."  

Dale Carnegie

Kitchen and Health Tip

Two of the most helpful 
kitchen and health tips I know are:

1. After working with anything that leaves a strong lingering smell on your hands (onions, garlic, fish etc.)..... 
hold a piece of stainless steel silverware with all your fingers and thumbs touching it...under cold running water.  
All odor is immediately erased!

2. For sunburns, mash fresh strawberries and smear over affected area.  
All burn is immediately 

If I burn myself at mealtime I will stick my finger in a fresh strawberry for instant relief. 
I think it works better than aloe.   

William Penn
All sorrows are 
less with bread

We may live without poetry, 
music and art
We may live without conscience 
and live without heart;
We may live without friends;
 we may live without books;
But civilized man 
cannot live without cooks."

Owen Meredith

Recipe Time

I have had several requests for this recipe and so here goes again!  It is not very favorable to your arteries with the cheese content, but it is a vegetarian dish and the most delicious casserole you will ever have.It is unbelievably easy and quick and it is a great one for church dinners.  

I serve it with a Southwest Salad 

Chili Relleno Cassarole

2 of the 7 oz. cans Ortega Brand 
whole green chilis
1/2 lb. grated Jack cheese
1/2 lb. grated cheddar cheese
2 eggs beaten
1/2 cup bisquick
1  and 1/2 cup milk

Spray a square baking dish 
with Pam
Layer 1/2 the chilis spread open flat 
and the cheeses twice.

Mix together eggs, 
milk and 
Beat until smooth

Pour over all 
Bake 350 degrees for 
40 minutes
until crust forms and is 
golden brown

Southwest Salad

Mix greens with a small can of 
drained canned corn with peppers 
and a 1/2 cup of canned drained 
black beans.  Top with fresh cilantro.  
For dressing mix Ranch with a little 
chunky Ortega salsa. 


"Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, 
but willing to draw blood 
in its defense.”

A Poem by Ms. June....

Lessons From the Old Man of the Sea

(An attempt to rhyme) 

The aged widowed fisherman awoke before dawn 
Pulled on his old worn coveralls, and quietly yawned,
Stretching and flexing the old muscles strong
That would pull traps and bait lines the entire day long

He looked about at his meager worldly means
That his livelihood allowed him yet it always seemed
That now no matter how long the hours and days
He was always behind in fixed financial ways

But he went to the room of his sweet sleeping son
And knew that it mattered not if great wealth was won
For this tiny person that God gave him as a gift
Would grow up to be gratified with nary a rift

Their pitiful poorness would bind them for life
And appreciation for much would never cause strife
For love of the sea, and what their Savior had done
Would fill his heart with great love
 as the boy's life was won

Then later that year, when the deep sea waters raged
His boat was found empty, like on a grand stage
The frame was in pieces, all tangled in rope
And the swirl of the waters gave the villagers no hope

They called to the son, who came running to see
If his dad had brought treasures to him, home from the sea
Instead he found brokenness, tears and no smiles
While neighbors walked endlessly searching for miles

The boy went home quickly and fell to his knees
And thanked God for allowing his dad to now see
That they knew where he was and that Jesus rejoiced
For every word of gratitude the old man had voiced 

He could grow up so strong then to be like his dad
To show the grand values that his dear father had 
For the greatest reflection and tribute he could give
Was to show how God’s man had taught him how to live

So the bent tired old man who had little monies to give
Left to those village town folks a new way to live
Showing them all daily through the life of his heir
It’s your love and hard work that will heal all and repair

Forever Young
 A song by Rod Stewart

"And may you be proud, 
dignified, and true.....
and do unto others 
as you'd have 
done to you. 
Be courageous, 
and be brave,
and in your heart 
you'll always stay...

Forever Young."  


Lilacs are rare here in California
 but in New England, 
no established home
would be without them. 

Small bushy trees laden      
with heavy blossoms  
stood outside the windows          
in the  direction the wind blew.  

When the windows were opened in the Spring, the entire 
home was filled with the  
lovely fragrance of lilacs.  

Some white and some a deep purple, but mostly 
remembered by me are 
the,soft lavender ones; 
my favorites.

They hung loosely, submissively in large      vase on dining room tables and on bed       
 stands to fill our senses with memories   of all past Springs 
and the blessed promise 
they held. 

The following poem is one of 
my favorites.  I don’t know the author's name, but wish to bless all you who know what I am talking about with the words!  

In prosperity our friends know us.
In adversity we know our friends.

Lilacs are bit rare and skimpy in 
California, but these were the ones 
in our garden this past summer 2010

A Poem In Honor of 
The Lilacs of New England

Lilacs are such brave 
and faithful things,
The lilacs of New England.
They’ve waited for 
so many Springs,
The lilacs of New England.
By doorsteps where 
no houses are,
Each cellar but
 a weed-grown scar - 
They keep the faith, 
and every year,
They bloom again 
when May is here.
To us whose roots 
are strong and deep
Here where our 
forefathers lie asleep,
The fragrance of 
the lilacs come;
 as the roll of drums.
They are like old friends, 
like us they know
The bitter days 
of drifting snow,
And so we wait 
for them to bring
Their confirmation 
of the Spring.
"One thing I have asked of the Lord, that I may see; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord"  
Psalms 27:4

I am thinking of the lilac-trees,
  That shook their purple plumes,
    And when the sash was open,
      Shed fragrance through the room.

       Anna S. Stephens, The Old Apple-Tree 

“Fear is a slinking cat I find beneath
 the lilacs of my mind.”
 Sophie Tunnell 
“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs 
out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.” 

 T.S. Eliot 

 With every leaf a miracle . . . 
and from this bush in the door-yard,
  With delicate-colour'd blossoms,
 and heart-shaped leaves of rich green
    A sprig with its flower, I break.
 Walt Whitman 
        When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloom'd


   Aunt Vicki's Lilac Pillow

Isaiah 35:1 
The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.

Matthew 6:29 
And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Matthew 6:28 
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

The groves were God's first temples.
 William Cullen Bryant, A Forest Hymn

We have been enjoying Steve Halls wonderful music for many years. His masterful skill on the piano is remarkable, and makes for such an enjoyable experience.   

We own half of the many albums that he has produced and were blessed to attend one of his private concerts in his home.  If his style is new to you, it is my joy to introduce you to him.

You are welcome to check out 
Steve's site below. 
You Light Up My Life
by Steve Hall.


So many nights I sit by my window 
Waiting for someone to sing me His song 
So many dreams I kept deep inside me 
Alone in the dark but now 
You've come along 

You light up my life 
You give me hope 
To carry on 
You light up my days 
and fill my nights with song 

Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water 
Could it be finally I'm turning for home? 
Finally, a chance to say hey, 
I love You 
Never again to be all alone 

You light up my life 
You give me hope 
To carry on 
You light up my days 
and fill my nights with song 

You light up my life 
You give me hope 
To carry on 
You light up my days 
and fill my nights with song 

It can't be wrong 
When it feels so right 
'Cause You 
You light up my life 

These are pictures of 
my new "50's" office.  
It was so much fun 
putting it together! 
Refinishing furniture, 
painting, sewing, 
and decorating. 
Love that theme and 
love the memories. 
Great place to work!

Complete with pink shag rug, Marilyn, James Dean and Elvis, 45 records, a pink lava light, pink Crosley radio, pink poodles and pink babbled lights and chandeliers and a pink princess phone, a 1959 Barbie Doll Reproduction, and of course, 
a pink flamingo and pink doorway beads!